A thrilling adventure-fantasy show about Broadway & Time Travel

(a one hour television dramedy)

After hurtling through space and time, troubled siblings Matt & Clara Strong are given the roles of a lifetime: The chance to train to become Broadway Stars under the guidance of Broadway shows from the past. The man assigned to help them with this task is none other than John Wilkes Booth's brother, the legendary actor Edwin Booth intent on redeeming his theatrical Dynasty by establishing theirs.

(Think: Smash meets Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure)

This is a chance to get a peak behind the theatre curtain and join the Broadway Community — one big messy family that supports, fights, loves and tussles with each other, while creating something that is grander than anyone could do individually.

This show is about the literal magic of Broadway.

Really Really has several Broadway-related properties in the works. Curious? Contact us for more details.